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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 4961 - 4980 из примерно 8518.
How many nurses are enough for our Critical Care Units?How many nurses are enough for our Critical Care Units?
Автор: Rencia Gillespie
Год: 2010
Team Reward Systems, Team Performance and National CultureTeam Reward Systems, Team Performance and National Culture
Автор: Lynsey de Hooge
Год: 2010
Embedded Boundary Scan, for Test and DebugEmbedded Boundary Scan, for Test and Debug
Автор: Aijaz Baig
Год: 2010
The Challenges of the Small Insular Developing StatesThe Challenges of the Small Insular Developing States
Автор: Daniela Pereira
Год: 2010
Atomic Force Microscope and Cell BiologyAtomic Force Microscope and Cell Biology
Автор: Charles Roduit
Год: 2010
Investment Strategies under Risk MeasuresInvestment Strategies under Risk Measures
Автор: Minjie YU
Год: 2010
Digital Pattern Recognition in Heritage RecordingDigital Pattern Recognition in Heritage Recording
Автор: Rima Al Ajlouni
Год: 2010
Low Level Image Processing for CompositesLow Level Image Processing for Composites
Автор: Julio Martin-Herrero
Год: 2010
Relationships among popular interconnection NetworksRelationships among popular interconnection Networks
Автор: Nart SHAWASH
Год: 2010
Emeralds are expensive because they are rareEmeralds are expensive because they are rare
Автор: Daniel Heussen
Год: 2010
Du entscheidest, was Kult ist!Du entscheidest, was Kult ist!
Автор: Myriam Wiederkehr
Год: 2010
Appication of Multivariate Ordered Probit ModelAppication of Multivariate Ordered Probit Model
Автор: Sabria Khan
Год: 2010
Clustering in non-metric spacesClustering in non-metric spaces
Автор: Mario Giovanni C. A. Cimino
Год: 2010
Автор: Qingzhong Cai
Год: 2010
The Interplay of Eating Disorders and ReligionThe Interplay of Eating Disorders and Religion
Автор: Kimberly Donovan
Год: 2010