Hagar, Pregnant and Abused Woman: Adequate Interpretation

Hagar, Pregnant and Abused Woman: Adequate Interpretation
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This book is about the adequate interpretation of the Bible. The question is thus whether or not the narrator saw the actions of Sarah and Abram towards Hagar as abuse. In order to answer this question, use is made of narrative theory, particularly regarding the ways in which the narrator’s point of view can be determined. We need to support feminists where necessary and demand biblical justice in all Biblical interpretations; this should be done without infringing the rights of the texts and the original audience. Major question are addressed here: did Abraham raped Hagar? Was the young pregnant Hagar abused? Was God on the side of the Abusers? Hermenutists discoreved that the narrator did indeed present a story of physical and emotional abuse and counted to his readers to recognise this. The churches are also challenged to pay attention to biblical interpretation. The casestudy of Hagar narratives indicates the simplistic interpretation can lead to a situation in which the Bible is...

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