Marketing Challenges and Social Marketing for POUS in Emerging Markets

Marketing Challenges and Social Marketing for POUS in Emerging Markets
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Products and services for Bottom of the Pyramid consumers have been neglected for a long time. Until now, most of the products designed for the poor have been strongly subsidized or given away free of charge. As the present shows, the output is far away from being satisfying. Time has come to take the BoP consumers seriously and to treat them in appropriate ways. This book analyses the challenges in marketing which arise by scaling up the point-of-use water treatment systems. The knowledge that markets and consumers in developing countries do not behave the same way than they do in the developed world is just one step to succeed. But there is usually far more needed than just adapt marketing, because the consumers often have to change their behaviour. That is the point where social marketing comes in. This book shows one possible approach about how to construct a promising social marketing strategy for water purifiers in developing markets. Furthermore it includes a field study about...

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