Statistical Quality Control for the Food Industry

Statistical Quality Control for the Food Industry
Производственный менеджмент


Повесть и рассказы, Свеча, Червона рута, Хатшепсут, Красная трава, День Дениса, Национальный вопрос и социальный аспект с сентября по май, По Миссири, Миссисупи, Белый арап, Надзиратель прошлого, Час ноль, Алое пальто, Поток


Specifically targeted at the food industry, this state-of-the-art text/reference combines all the principal methods of statistical quality and process control into a single, up-to-date volume. In an easily understood and highly readable style, the authorclearly explains underlying concepts and uses real world examples to illustrate statistical techniques. This Third Edition maintains the strengths of the first and second editions while adding new information on Total Quality Management, Computer Integrated Management, ISO 9001-2002, and The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award. There are updates on FDA Regulations and Net Weight control limits, as well as additional HACCP applications. A new chapter has been added to explain concepts and implementation of the six-sigma quality control system. Anyone involved in the production foods will find this book a valuable guide for assuring the safety and uniformity of food production through application of the latest techniques in process quality...

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