Winner Take All: How Competitiveness Shapes the Fate of Nations

Winner Take All: How Competitiveness Shapes the Fate of Nations
Business Plus
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Завещание патриарха геологии, Плутония, Земля Санникова, В дебрях Центральной Азии


Over the past thirty years, the United States has lost commanding leads in business after business. We no longer make cameras, TVs, MP3 players, cell phones, or DVD players, and we have become the world’s largest debtor nation. Everyone thinks this is because of cheap labor costs, but in fact Asian leaders have a fundamental and different way of thinking about business. They are playing a different game. If the U.S. wants to regain its competitiveness and preserve its global power, it must play the game as it’s played in the rest of the world. Winner Take All tells us what it takes to be competitive, and how we need to reform our thinking to regain what we have lost. Richard Elkus isn’t afraid to bring a few sacred cows to the slaughter. This is the essential primer for any policy maker, business leader, or general reader interested in knowing how America can regain the economic clout it once had.

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