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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 541 - 560 из примерно 1797.
The Formation of Inter-Organizational NetworksThe Formation of Inter-Organizational Networks
Автор: Mark Ebers
Год: 1999
Cyber Business : Mindsets for a Wired AgeCyber Business : Mindsets for a Wired Age
Автор: Christopher Barnatt
Год: 1999
The Communications Toolkit: How to Build and Regulate Any Communications BusinessThe Communications Toolkit: How to Build and Regulate Any Communications Business
Автор: P.H. Longstaff, Anthony G. Oettinger
Год: 1999
Skills of ManagementSkills of Management
Автор: W. David Rees, Christine Porter
Год: 1999
Workflow Handbook 1997Workflow Handbook 1997
Автор: Peter Lawrence
Год: 1999
Productivity ManualProductivity Manual
Автор: Hans Kasper, Piet van Helsdingen, Wouter de Vries
Год: 1999
Thinking About Management : A Reflective Practice ApproachThinking About Management : A Reflective Practice Approach
Автор: David Golding, David Currie
Год: 1999
Instant InterviewingInstant Interviewing
Автор: Brian Clegg
Год: 1999
Cognition Within and Between Organizations (Organization Science.)Cognition Within and Between Organizations (Organization Science.)
Автор: James R. Meindl, Charles Stubbart, Joseph F. Porac
Год: 1999
Business EtiquetteBusiness Etiquette
Автор: Marjorie Brody, Barbara Pachter
Год: 1999
Making Time: Time and Management in Modern OrganizationsMaking Time: Time and Management in Modern Organizations
Автор: Richard Whipp, Barbara Adam, Ida Sabelis
Год: 1999
Smart Guide to Managing Your TimeSmart Guide to Managing Your Time
Автор: Lisa Rogak
Год: 1999
Establishing a System of Policies and ProceduresEstablishing a System of Policies and Procedures
Автор: Stephen Page
Год: 1999