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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 621 - 640 из примерно 1797.
Growing and Selling Fresh-Cut HerbsGrowing and Selling Fresh-Cut Herbs
Автор: Sandie Shores
Год: 1999
Essentials of International ManagementEssentials of International Management
Автор: David C. Thomas
Год: 1999
Handle With CARE: Motivating and Retaining EmployeesHandle With CARE: Motivating and Retaining Employees
Автор: Barbara Glanz
Год: 1999
Facility Management Technology: Lessons from the U.S. and JapanFacility Management Technology: Lessons from the U.S. and Japan
Автор: Eric Teicholz, Takehiko Ikeda
Год: 1999
Competitive Global Management - Principles and StrategiesCompetitive Global Management - Principles and Strategies
Автор: Abbass F. Alkhafaji
Год: 1999
The Manager as Change Agent: A Practical Guide to Developing High-Performance People and OrganizationsThe Manager as Change Agent: A Practical Guide to Developing High-Performance People and Organizations
Автор: Jerry W. Gilley, Scott A. Quatro, Erik Hoekstra, Doug D. Whittle, Ann Maycunich, Jerry Gilley
Год: 2000
Risk Management: 10 PrinciplesRisk Management: 10 Principles
Автор: William B. Martin
Год: 2000
Be Your Own Strategy Consultant: Demystifying Strategic ThinkingBe Your Own Strategy Consultant: Demystifying Strategic Thinking
Автор: Tony Grundy, Laura Brown
Год: 2000
International Business: Cases and ExercisesInternational Business: Cases and Exercises
Автор: Charles A. Rarick, Charles Rarick
Год: 2000
Cases in Management and Organizational BehaviorCases in Management and Organizational Behavior
Автор: Teri C. Tompkins
Год: 2000
Essential Managers: Maximizing PerformanceEssential Managers: Maximizing Performance
Автор: John Seymour, Martin Shervington
Год: 2000
The New Machiavelli: The Art of Politics in BusinessThe New Machiavelli: The Art of Politics in Business
Автор: Alistair McAlpine
Год: 2000
International Dimensions of Organizational BehaviorInternational Dimensions of Organizational Behavior
Автор: Nancy J. Adler
Год: 2000