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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1121 - 1140 из примерно 1797.
Standard Handbook of Plant EngineeringStandard Handbook of Plant Engineering
Автор: Robert C. Rosaler
Год: 2002
Leading Biotechnology Alliances : Right from the StartLeading Biotechnology Alliances : Right from the Start
Автор: Alice M. Sapienza, Diana Stork, Joe Lombardino
Год: 2002
Introduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism: An Entrepreneurial Approach, Fourth EditionIntroduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism: An Entrepreneurial Approach, Fourth Edition
Автор: John C. Crossley, Lynn M. Jamieson, Russell E. Brayley
Год: 2002
The Age of ParadoxThe Age of Paradox
Автор: Charles Handy
Год: 2002
Due Diligence List: Www.Duediligencelist.ComDue Diligence List: Www.Duediligencelist.Com
Автор: Scott?S Pickard, Scott S. Pickard
Год: 2002
Managing Employee Performance ProblemsManaging Employee Performance Problems
Автор: Neville C. Tompkins, Neville C. Thompkins
Год: 2002
The Effective Editor: How To Lead Your Staff to Better Writing and TeamworkThe Effective Editor: How To Lead Your Staff to Better Writing and Teamwork
Автор: Karen Brown Dunlap, Foster Davis
Год: 2002
Business Policy : Text and CasesBusiness Policy : Text and Cases
Автор: Joseph L. Bower
Год: 2002
Digital NomadDigital Nomad
Автор: Tsugio Makimoto, David Manners
Год: 2002
Creating Wealth: Principles and Practices for Design FirmsCreating Wealth: Principles and Practices for Design Firms
Автор: Ellen Flynn-Heapes
Год: 2002
Contemporary Management Theory: Controlling and Analyzing Costs in Foodservice Operations (4th Edition)Contemporary Management Theory: Controlling and Analyzing Costs in Foodservice Operations (4th Edition)
Автор: James Keiser, Frederick J. DeMicco, Robert N. Grimes
Год: 2002
Managing Strategic Innovation and Change: A Collection of ReadingsManaging Strategic Innovation and Change: A Collection of Readings
Автор: Michael L. Tushman, Philip Anderson
Год: 2002