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Сортировать по: году, названию, автору (Я → А) Результаты 1861 - 1880 из примерно 2488.
Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You NegotiateBeyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate
Автор: Roger Fisher, Daniel Shapiro
Год: 2006
Beyond Sun And Sand: Caribbean EnvironmentalismsBeyond Sun And Sand: Caribbean Environmentalisms
Автор: Anne M. Marchetti
Год: 2006
Building Multiservice Transport NetworksBuilding Multiservice Transport Networks
Автор: Jim Durkin, John Goodman, Frank Posse, Michael Rezek, Mike Wallace, Ron Harris
Год: 2006
Global Business Citizenship: A Transformative Framework for Ethics And Sustainable CapitalismGlobal Business Citizenship: A Transformative Framework for Ethics And Sustainable Capitalism
Автор: Jeanne M. Logsdon, Patsy G. Lewellyn, Kim Davenport
Год: 2006
Global Derivatives: A Strategic Risk Management PerspectiveGlobal Derivatives: A Strategic Risk Management Perspective
Автор: Torben Juul Andersen
Год: 2006
Global Dimensions of Gender and CareworkGlobal Dimensions of Gender and Carework
Автор: Mary K. Zimmerman, Jacquelyn S. Litt, Christine E. Bose
Год: 2006
Global Industrial Relations (Global HRM)Global Industrial Relations (Global HRM)
Автор: D. Robert DeChaine
Год: 2006
Global Migration and the World Economy: Two Centuries of Policy and PerformanceGlobal Migration and the World Economy: Two Centuries of Policy and Performance
Автор: Timothy J. Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson
Год: 2006