The Transference of Leadership Style Through the TopManagement Team: An Analysis of a Large Urban College: Using theMultifactor Leadership Questionnaire

The Transference of Leadership Style Through the TopManagement Team: An Analysis of a Large Urban College: Using theMultifactor Leadership Questionnaire
VDM Verlag Dr. Muller
Новые поступления. Бизнес и экономика


Человек-Амфибия. Продавец воздуха. Светопреставление, Ледяной ад. Капитан Сорвиголова, Матиас Шандор, Фанфан-Тюльпан, Пограничный легион. Рассказы, Алые паруса. Блистающий мир. Золотая цепь, Робинзон Крузо, Робин Гуд. Новеллы, Долина молчаливых призраков. Скованные льдом сердца. Золотая петля, Пионеры, или У истоков Сосквеганны. Вайандоте, или Хижина на холме, Наследники Виннету, Перст судьбы. Сигнал бедствия. Вождь герильясов. Отважная охотница, или Дочь скваттера, Остров сокровищ. Принц Отто, Крестоносцы. В 2-х томах, Принцесса Баальбека, Твердая рука. Карденио


This research study examined the transference ofleadership style through the top levels of themanagement team at a Large Urban College (LUC). Togather the necessary information the MultifactorLeadership Questionnaire MLQ5X was used. The MLQ hasbeen in use for nearly three decades and isconsidered to be the best instrument available forexamining the leadership styles of participants; theMLQ has proven itself to be valid and reliable(Carless, 1998; Tejeda and Scandura, 2000; Tepper andPercy, 1994). The setting for the research is a LargeUrban College, one of the largest brick and mortarcollege in the United States. LUC currently operateseight campuses and several outreach centers. Theinformation gathered and the new knowledge created asa result of this research study can be used at LUCand other similar settings to improve overallleadership by improving staffing, selection,training, and leader communication patterns.

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